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When I share with people whom I meet that I am a psychic, those that are not familiar with the metaphysical world usually give me one of two responses...

1. Wow, how do you do that? This is the most common type of reply.

2. Oh right, I don’t believe in that stuff…it’s not real is it?! This is the more skeptical type of reply but thankfully less common.

So in this article, I decided to summarise some of the ways a psychic reader might work using their own intuitive ability and other divination tools.

The word psychic is a very general term broadly used to describe a person that has intuitive abilities. It is like saying “I am a Doctor” of which there are many specialties and skill-sets depending on the type of doctor you need.

Have you ever read through the profile of different psychics and wondered which one should I call and what are these different skills/ tools that they list? It can all seem a little overwhelming and confusing.

But I have made it simple for you to understand.

In this article, I will explain some of the skills that are channelled during a reading with you.


· Understanding these differences may guide you to choose the right psychic based on your needs.

· What should also guide you is your own intuition. You may find that a certain profile picture or description about a reader draws you in and this is a good indication that you were destined to connect with this reader.

Most readers have a combination of these psychic abilities that they will utilize during your reading.

This is by no means an exhaustive list but some of the more common methods a reader will use during your reading.

Some Common Types of Psychics:

Empath– someone who has a “clear feeling” where they are highly tuned to pick up and feel the emotions and energy of others.

Medium – a practitioner who can communicate with souls/ loved ones that have crossed over.

Astrologer – someone skilled in knowing how the position of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets at the time of a persons’ birth will influence their personality, romantic relationships and predict their future.

Shaman – a practitioner that heals people often by moving into an altered state of consciousness to communicate with the spirit world and channel the energies into this world, helping to restore spiritual power and improve the human condition.

Healer – a practitioner that can manipulate and restore the normal flow of energy in the body through the energy points and remove blockages to improve a person emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Using your Senses in Psychic Readings:

Clairvoyant – someone who has “clear vision” so can to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.

Clairaudient - someone who has “clear hearing” and will receive intuitive vocal/auditory message from the world of spirits or a higher being. This can be heard internally or externally.

Claircognizant - someone who has a general “clear knowing” about a person, event, occurrence or intention.

Clairsentient – can be interchanged with Empath where someone has a “clear feeling” by reading emotions and energy of others.

Remote Viewing – also called Second Sight and is linked to Clairvoyancy where someone is “sensing with their mind” to acquire knowledge about a person, event, occurrence or intention.

Telepathy – being able to receive thoughts and feelings from someone else and even being able to communicate information back to them using only your thoughts.

Other tools used to enhance your Reading:

Tarot – is a deck of 78 cards that fall under the category of major or minor arcana; and are a form of divination. A reader will develop their own style as to how they use a tarot deck in a reading, however broadly speaking tarot cards are used in combination with intuitive ability to aid in answering specific questions from a client about past, present, future or outcomes.

Oracle Cards – different to Tarot cards meaning they are less rigid and no set number of cards are required for a deck. Each card represents an image that is personally interpreted and may have a word or a phrase on it when used in combination with intuitive ability as a directive tool and can provide clearer answers, guidance or a new perspective.

Crystals – crystals hold special healing powers and utilizing them in readings can help release negative blockages and promote energetic shifts to bring balance back into your life.

Pendulum – is a divinatory tool used to get a fast and precise answer (like yes or no) when connected to spirit or the divine source. The answers will help you understand how to deal with the challenges you are facing.

Automatic Writing / Psychography – a reader will subconsciously write words or phrases on a piece of paper that are being channelled through from the divine source as messages for the client.

Numerology – numbers, dates and names hold a certain vibrational energy. A personal numerology chart can tell a reader a lot about a person’s energy and used in combination with a reader’s intuitive ability can help pave a path for someone’s destiny.

Angel Card Readings – the reader will use an angel card deck for their messages combined with their intuitive ability. Angel cards do not tell you the future but accurately focus on the present situation and what is happening in your life now. Essentially the cards are giving you a message from your guardian angel.

Tea Leaf Readings / Tasseography – a divination told used by skilled readers that can tell you about your past, present and future through identifying symbols, shapes and configurations of the tea leaves.

Rune Stone Readings – rune stones are a divination tool with symbols on them that during a reading will tell you about your past, present and future. If you are not sure which path to take or choice to make then rune casting is a powerful tool that can offer you that wisdom.

Crystal Ball Readings – this is one of the oldest divination tools and often referred to as the art of “scrying” where are reader will look into a crystal ball and see images like pictures or symbols to gain information about the questions you have asked.

So now you understand more about a readers’ psychic ability go with the one that you are drawn to because you were destined to find them!

Tunisha is an empath, clairsentient, clairaudient and claircognizant reader and will sometimes use oracle cards, automatic writing, a pendulum and crystals to validate messages she receives from her connection to the divine source and her spirit guides during a reading. She will also use healing energy to help a reader shift any negative blockages they are dealing with. She is an intuitive psychic and certified Master Healer with postgraduate qualifications in Neuroscience.

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